
As the name suggests - How to Make a Pop Up Automatic After Area Web / Blog On Click. - Many web file sharing such as Fileserve, 4shared, indowebster, ziddu, mediafire which uses a pop-up to their advantage, because in that there is a popup ads (adsense) them, so, they can reward from adsense. Here I share how to create popup adsense. When visitors see the blog and click on one of the posts links or accidentally click a blog area, then, the automatic pop-up will appear in the new window. If you want to try it, please consider the following way:

1. Log in to your blog account and towards design-page elements.


2. Add the gadget HTML / Javascript. Place it anywhere allowed.


Then Insert HTML Code Here:

<script  type="text/javascript">  function addEvent(obj, eventName, func){       if (obj.attachEvent)      {      obj.attachEvent("on" + eventName,  func);      }      else if(obj.addEventListener)      {       obj.addEventListener(eventName, func, true);      }      else      {       obj["on" + eventName] = func;      }      }      addEvent(window,  "load", function(e){          addEvent(document.body, "click",  function(e)          {             if(document.cookie.indexOf("bkc=lyk")  == -1)             {          params = 'width=' + screen.width;           params += ', height=' + screen.height;                  params += ',  top=0, left=0,scrollbars=yes';                  params += ',  fullscreen=yes';                  var w = window.open("Masukkan Link  Adsense di sini", 'window', params).blur();                   document.cookie = "bkc=lykshoptinhoc";                  window.focus();              }          });      });  </script> 

Note; In One Script following HTML:
var w = window.open ("Enter your Adsense links here ',' window ', params) .blur ();
The red text is replaced by your Adsense links.
For example: var w = window.open ("http://google.com ',' window ', params) .blur ();

Finally click save / save and see the results.

A few of I, Discussing about "How to Make a Pop Up Automatic After Area Web / Blog On Click" Hopefully with this article you can be helped.
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