Share Automated Blog Posting to Facebook and Twitter easiest.
Publication Automatic Blog Posting to Facebok, Twitter and other Social Networking.
In order for our blog posts can be read or visit friends via social networks such as facebook and twitter, maybe sometimes we copy and paste the link to the Home link Facebook and twitter. Actually many applications automatically share blog posts to social networks, so. We no longer need to copy and paste the link of our blog post link, for example via RSS Graffiti, twitterfeed,, or via Networked blogs.


On this occasion I want to post associated with the above title is automatically share blog posts to facebook and twitter via I deliberately choose because usually automatically share directly, shortly after our publication in blogger blog posts. I never try NetworkedBlogs, but its share is rather slow and requires us to install the widget to your blog, which will make loading the blog will be more severe.

Okay we follow his ways as shown below.

1. First we go to


2. Then enter your email address and password and click sign up.
3. In step 1 enter the url / address full name of our blog.


Step 3. Step 2 select share via facebook or twitter, select social networking account where you're logged in. here I select the first twitter. Then click continue.

4. There will appear a welcome, then click + add to add goals to share the post via twitter.


5. Done, do not forget to go to the registration email account to confirm See our blog post, will be automatically entered into our twitter n FB account. For further setting up to you.


6. To add a Facebook account or facebook page that will be set as an automatic share blog posts. Previous sure Buddy blogger pal facebook account to log in. Click add as shown below.

Select the account that will be shared automatically, click New on facebook logo.


Wait a moment, a pop-up


Wait a moment, and then click the arrow, select the account that there facebook page or a personal account. > Closing the window after it emerged "authorized account" click save.
As this blog, I automatically share via twitter & Facebok Fanpage Itrels.

So first I post about Share Automated Blog Posting to Facebook and Twitter easiest.
May be useful for you all.
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