Most template maker only makes standard meta tags alone, of course, the next task is for the blog owner to further optimize how their blogs more victorious in Search Engines. Not enough with a great view, a lot of backlinks, good content and so on.
Below I share best meta tags for bloggers, for optimization blog friends. Meta tag is actually one of the secrets of meta tags, Agus Ramdhani veteran blogger aka OOM, who has shared her biggest secret in SEO with Meta Tag Optimization for a friend to all.
For friends who want to use the best of this meta tag, replace the code
with the code below (edit blog name, keywords, description, etc.)
<! - Meta Title Page Error / 404 ->
<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.pageType == & quot; error_page & quot;'>
<title> 404: Sorry the page that is looking for does not exist | namablog </ title>
</ b: if>
<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.pageType! = & quot; item & quot;'>
<! - Meta Title Page Search ->
<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.searchQuery'>
<title> Search keywords for :: <data: blog.searchQuery /> :: | namablog </ title>
</ b: if>
<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.pageType == & quot; archive & quot;'>
<! - Meta Title Page Archive ->
<title> Articles Archive Month <data: blog.pageName /> | namablog </ title>
<! - Meta Descriptin Archive Page ->
<meta expr: content = '& quot; Archived Articles Month & quot; + Data: blog.pageName + & quot; more please visit namablog & quot; 'name = 'description' />
<b: else />
<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.pageType == & quot; static_page & quot;'>
<! - Meta Title Page Pages ->
<title> <data: blog.pageName /> | namablog </ title>
<! - Meta Description Page Pages ->
<meta expr: content = 'Data: blog.pageName + & quot ;. Please read the article & quot; + Data: blog.pageName + & quot; more in namablog & quot; 'name = 'description' />
<b: else />
<! - Meta Title Page Labels ->
<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.searchLabel'>
<title> Search on Label :: <data: blog.pageName /> :: | namablog </ title>
<! - Meta Description Label Page ->
<meta expr: content = '& quot; Search in category :: & quot; + Data: blog.pageName + & quot; :: more information please visit at namablog. & Quot; 'name = 'description' />
<b: else />
<! - Meta Title Home ->
<title> <data: blog.pageTitle /> </ title>
<! - Meta Description Main page ->
<meta expr: content = 'Data: blog.pageTitle + & quot; Write your blog description here. & Quot; 'name = 'description' />
</ b: if>
</ b: if>
</ b: if>
<! - Meta Keyword Main page ->
<meta content = "keyword1, keyword2, etc. 'name =' keywords' />
<b: else />
<! - Meta Title Page Post ->
<title> <data: blog.pageName /> - namablog </ title>
<! - Meta Description Page Post active ->
<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.metaDescription'>
<meta expr: content = 'Data: blog.metaDescription' itemprop = 'description' />
<b: else />
<! - Show if the Meta Description Page post inactive ->
<meta expr: content = 'Data: blog.pageName + & quot ;. Please read the article & quot; + Data: blog.pageName + & quot; more in namablog & quot; 'name = 'description' />
</ b: if>
<! - Meta Keyword Page post ->
<meta expr: content = 'Data: blog.pageName + & quot;, keyword1, keyword2, etc. & quot;' name = 'keywords' />
</ b: if>
If my friend had added earlier meta tags, please adjust or replace with meta tags above.
Hope it is useful ...
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