To get traffic to your blog, a blogger must update the blog regularly with the original article and qualified.
But if these articles are not on the first page of the search engine, it will be a few people who read the article.


Therefore in this article, I will make an article about what to do after posting an article or update the blog, To the article could be on the first page or top 10 on the search engines and can increase the traffic or the number of visitors to your blog.

Here Things To Do After Posting New Articles:

1. Submit Articles to Google

The first thing I did after the update article is directly submit to google via "" or " "by doing so a new article you will quickly indexed

2. Request Robot Google crawls your New Articles

After submitting url to google, the second way is to use the facilities google google webmaster tools that crawl your new article, and the article quickly indexed order.

The way is easy, just click the link below buddy "" and then enter the url of your article, click submit or take. After that click on this url crawl.

3. Submit to Social Bookmarking Sites

The third way is to submit articles pal to various social bookmarking sites, social bookmarking can be local or foreign. I usually use the "" and

Buddy can search in the search engines with keywords "Social Bookmarking Sites List" for more social bookmarking sites. DoFollow or NoFollow is not a problem because it will still be counted as a backlink by search engines

After submitting to social bookmarking I will do a PING to the search engines through,, and You can search on search engines for more sites ping search engines.

But my advice is do not get too often to ping the search engines, because this action can be considered as spam by search engines and you know what will happen? so pretty PING once a day or once you post a new article only.

5. Share to Social Media

If you have facebook, twitter and other social networks. Then use to promote your new article. Especially if my friend has a facebook group that has many active members and fanspage facebook or twitter that has many followers, Surely will be effective again.

5. Blogwalking

The last way is to do blogwalking. Please promote your new article with blogwalking way, that way, then you also will get a backlink and make sure your comments relevant when blogwalking need not to be removed by the blog owner.

Up here was yes discuss about Things To Do After Posting New Articles. May be useful and wait for the next updates from us.
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I am just an ordinary person who loves blogging and trying to share experiences with others about blogging, SEO and Software. May be useful..

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